msXpertSuite is Free Software!

It is published under the GNU General Public License version 3+. This means that you can use it freely for whatever need you may have, you may study the code underlying the program, you may modify that code freely and redistribute it freely with the same license as the one you got with the package.

The msXpertSuite software comprises two distinct programs: mineXpert2 and massXpert2. The software programs used to be bundled together. This is no more the case. Please, do visit the individual pages describing each one of the programs.

French users :

The massXpert software program is documented in a book about mass spectrometry for biochemists that I published. Previsualize for details about the book contents.

All users :

The new section Learning videos now provides video tutorials about the main aspects of the mineXpert2 software. The msXpertSuite channel on YouTube is discontinued because new browsers supporting HTML5 can read the videos directly without having to seek any YouTube mediation.